Entrepreneurs: Finding Their Work Force - recruitment agencies

The word entrepreneur is derived from the French "entre" which means to enter and "prendre" which applies to a person starting a new project. Entrepreneurs are risk takers, highly driven, focused on their goals, creative, motivated, and able to make quick decisions. They are highly independent and will stop at nothing to achieve their goals. Entrepreneurs play a vital role in economic and social development. Entrepreneurs create jobs in a society, and hence stimulate the economy.

Entrepreneurs set out to create their vision. They therefore require a qualified workforce in order to help drive their vision and make the organisation profitable. The key to finding the right employee lies in having a clear idea on the responsibilities assigned to a particular job position.

When you know the kind of skills you need in your new employee, you are ready to contact sources which can help you recruit job applicants. While we have the traditional options of recruitment agencies and print advertisements, we also have the modern online recruitment portals that have proved very effective.

A 2009 study found that more than 50% of the region's employees prefer online job portals for their recruitment needs. careertunity.com for example, offers employers an ever-expanding database of active job seekers. As a potential employer, you can advertise your vacancies, access the database or opt for end to end recruitment.

Entrepreneurs can benefit from online portals, as by giving them greater ownership of the recruitment process, they greatly assist in choosing the right person for the right job. An online portal also cuts down the time and effort previously invested into traditional recruitment processes and helps realise cost savings. In addition to being easily accessible at all times, online recruitment can overcome geographical boundaries with ease.

It is only a matter of time before online portals become the preferred route for employers given the distinct benefits that they have to offer.

Careertunity online job search provides career, job opportunities, job postings, job vacancies for job seekers in Dubai, middle east. (www.careertunity.com )



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